Friday, November 19, 2010


IT is highly interesting to point out my comments that the training was so nice. Now, we hope all participants can manage to open their own blogs and get links to other blogs and wedsites worldwide.

However,most of us the time given was not enough to tale with lectures effectively, simply because there are many things which we ought to know before the outgoing training was being conducting.

Bravo..bravo, now we are very familiar to many things which are useful to our duties as journalists who ought to learn much more in order to inform public at large world wide.


CCM acheni fitina

Kushindwa kwa Batlida Burian jimbo la Arusha kulianza kujionyesha mapema kutokana na mgawanyiko ndani ya CCM, vilevile yeye mwenyewe alijisahau akaweka mbele kupokea majungu,mwisho magazeti ya Arusha raha na Mererani yalimfagalia kwa kuzidisha chumvi, hali iliyochangia baadhi ya wapiga kura wakose mwelekeo ndio maana wengine wakapuuza kupiga kura.
Nebert Mramba


Nakupongeza mr mjengwa kwa kutupatia maarifa mapya, kazi kwenu wana habari stori zenu zipelekeni huko huko wananchi wasome. Muhimu jinoeni kitaaluma ili mwende na wakati.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Naandika kwa masikitiko makubwa, kwa hatua ambazo waamerika walizichukua kumtuhumu mtanzania na kisha kumfungulia mashitaka dhidi ya mabomu yaliyosababisha vifo vya watanzania na wakenya katika matukio mawili tofauti yaliyotokea kwa wakati unaokaribiana julai1998.

Mtuhumiwa kijana wetu wa kitanzania ,ambaye hivi sasa ni mfungwa anayetumikia kifungo cha maisha Ahamed  Khalifan  Ghailan huko nchini Amerika nakupa pole! Adhabu dhidi yako haikuzingatia ushahidi timilifu  usio na shaka yaonekana umekiuka misingi ya haki katika  uendeshaji wa mashtaka ya jinai ambapo upande wa mashitaka unapaswa kudhibitisha pasipo  kivuli cha mashaka ili mshtakiwa atiwe hatiani.

Ni dhahiri hukumu ya mtanzania huyu imetolewa kwa lengo la chuki inayotokana na  mawazo ya kulipiza kisasi dhidi ya mtandao wa AL Qaeda ,ambapo hadi hivi sasa wanamsaka  usiku na mchana na kwa udi na uvumba gaidi Osama kama nchi za magharibi zinavyomuita bila mafanikio!

Poleni wakubwa mmezidiwa  kete na maarifa hadi hivi leo hali ni tete mmeshindwa kumkamata gaidi namba moja mwenye kumiliki huo mtandao tata unaowasumbua.

Kwa maoni yangu kumtia hatiani Ghailani kwa kusababisha vifo vya watu 281 mwaka 1998  huko nchini Marekani ni uonevu,  waliopoteza ndugu na wapendwa  wao ni wakenya na watanzania, kwa nini mtuhumiwa asingalishtakiwa nchini Kenya au Tanzania mahali ambapo ndipo matukio yalipotokea?

Kutokana na utetezi wa mshtakiwa  Ghailan  akijitetea kwa kutumia wakili wake alidai siku ya tukio hakuwepo nchini Kenya wala Tanzania, alidai alikuwa safarini  nchini Pakistan. Shauri lake lilitakiwa liangaliwe kwa kina na majaji wawe huru huku wazingatie utetezi wa kutokuwepo (ALIBI) na  siyo kuangalia na kuzingatia maslahi ya wamerikani juu ya kesi hiyo.

Penginepo hukumu dhidi yake imepikwa ili kuwalinda wakubwa, kutokana na uzembe wa kutokuwa na ulinzi wa kutosha katika balozi zilizoko jijini Nairobi na Dar-es-salaam.kwa wakati huo!! Hali ya ulinzi ilivyo kwenye balozi inatia aibu kwa mnyonge mwana harakati huyo kuthibitika kwamba alihusika dhidi ya  tukio hilo.

Sheria ni sheria ina pande mbili ya kutiwa hatiani ama kuachiliwa, kilichobaki sisi wanaharakati wa masuala ya  haki za binadamu tupo nyuma yakowewe mfungwa wa ughaibuni tutapiga kelele nakukuombea makanisani na miskitini iwapo ni kweli haukuhusika kwa namna moja ama nyingine katika tukuo hilo!  Iko siku milango ya gereza itakuwa wazi utaachiliwa, Mungu anaendelea kubariki huko huko ulipo kifungoni.

Lakini, iwapo nafsi yako inakusuta kwa kushiriki kimawazo ama kula njama hatimaye ukasababisha vifo vya  ndugu zetu wakenya na watanzania wasio na hatia ,adhabu ulipewa haitoshi ulipashwa kuhukumiwa kifo   Kwani .dawa ya moto ni moto na mwenye kuua kwa upanga naye ni sharti afe kwa upanga!.


Professor Wangari


I would first thanks the lecture on internet special program  organized by MISA Tan who shows me how to write stories through searching from web sides.

Frankly speaking by applying this modern communication skills I  can search who is she? Through   the research which done by scholars thereafter entered into different sources including web sides shows professor Wangari Maathai is an international recognized woman in the world for her contribution through tree planting in Kenya.

She established  Pan African Green Belt network in 1986  hence many African leaders using her methods which applies in different areas worldwide.

According to information found into goggle shows that she was listed the 6th  in  the Environment Agency Peer  reviewer of the world  top 100  Eco-Heroes.

Professor Maathai in the year 1997 was elected by  Earth Times as one of the 100 person in the world who made difference and miracle in the environment arena.

Addition to that she received several awards including special honorary degrees from different colleges and universities around the world for her contribution and successful participation  on environmental  issues as well as human rights function in the eastern and central Africa.

Congratulation  professor Wangari to the woman in EA  and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree in Biological science from Mount St  Scholastica  college in Kansas United  States of America in 1964.

 Please for more information watch out  through web sides.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Watch out president KIKWETE--------------Day four

Rais wetu mpendwa Mrisho  kazi kwako!  Tunakutegemea utupatie safu ya mawaziri makini wenye kujituma na wazalendo wa kweli, wenye mapenzi mema na nchi hii.ili wasije wakaliangusha taifa letu1!!!! Waogope mafisadi,hao hao ndio wamechangia CCM kukosa baadhi ya majimbo muhimu kwenye majiji ya Mwanza, Mbeya, Arusha,  Moshi na Dar-es-salaam hiyo ndio TANZANIA yenye wadadisi na wajuzi wa mambo!



Public holiday celebration.

 We  celebrate Idd el Haj  by receiving knowledge on line training skills

Among the things which we learn is how to search out some websites in the world, thereafter to have the link with them. I would like to link with BBC  and Aljazeera  websites which seems to be fast  and provides up to date news.

Have a nice Idd Mubaraka



THE third day  on Internet training.

Despite to the facts that today is public holiday, we celebrate Idd el Haj  by receiving training on internet ,some how we enjoyed a lot for attaining relevant  on line skills.

Among the things which we learn is how to search out some websites in the world, there after to have the link with them. I would like to link with BBC  and Aljazeera  websites which seems to be fast  and provide up to date news.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WATCH OUT DAY TWO----------------------- internet workshop.

REAL, we enjoy a lot for been receiving modern knowledge on  how to open and use blogger. Let me congratulate first  the workshop organizer and a special thanks should go direct to the lecture who teach nicely with relevant examples and shows us practically on how to use internet effectively.

Frankly speaking mr Peik Johansson from  VIKES Foundation is good instructor who aiming to educate journalists from  Tanzania  in order to be attaining the incoming modern ways in finding and reporting news and other information.

In day two most us we can proud to say that we get something rather we are in day one or before. To my side I am very happy to point out that I have my own blog  which known as Mashauri

Lastly, today we as participants we cross check our local news papers where we see some errors which can be edited on line. Also we noted that almost all local news papers you can access to read through internet, simply because it is very fast and you can spend reasonable cost on finding information.


Habari mpya

Leo ni siku ya pili tangu tuanze kujifunza namna bora ya kutumia internet  kwa ufanisi wa vyombo vya habari hapa nchini na ulimwenguni pote ili kwenda sambamba na wakati huu wa kutumia njia za mitandao ili kupunguza gharama na kujifunza mengi.

 Elimu hii imeniwezesha mimi binafsi,kujua ni jinsi gani naweza kurahisisha kazi ya kupokea,kuandika, kuhariri kisha kuipeleka habari kwenye chombo husika kwa wakati ili kiweze kuwafikia wasomaji ama wasikilizaji kwa wakati muafaka.

Elimu niliyoipata imewezesha kupata uwezo wa kusoma magazeti mbalimbali kwa njia ya mtandao.Hivyo ni dhahiri nimepanua wigo na uwezo wangu wa kuwa na vyanzo vingi vya habari vikiwemo vyanzo vya mitandao mbalimbali mfano wikipedia, goggle na bloggers.

Mbali ya kusoma magazeti ya vyombo vya habari yanayopatikana hapa nchini napendelea kusoma magazeti ya Daily Nation ya Kenya kwa sababu  habari  zake ni  nyingi zinazoandikwa kwa umakini na  zilizofanyiwa utafiti wa kina.

Napendelea kusoma magazeti ya kiswahili ya  Mwanahalisi na Raia mwema ya Tanzania   kutokana na ukweli kwamba ni ya uchambuzi.

Vilevile nasoma magazeti ya kampuni ya Business Times kwa  lengo la kuelewa yaliyojili ndani ya magazeti hayo.Magazeti ya kampuni hii yanapatikana ndani ya tovuti.

Mwisho nawashauri wanahabari tujifunze kwa makini taaluma hii ya habari inayoenda na mabadiliko kasi ya sayansi  na teknojia.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Who am I

Iam calling mr Nebert  Mramba from Tanzania mainland, the northern place of the united republic of  Tanzania, popularly city known Arusha  a Geneva of  the Africa continent..The land, of the peace few kilometers from Ngorongoro, Tarangire, Arusha as well as Serengeti national parks.

Iam a Tanzania by the nationalist, aged 49 years old  with various qualifications, among them is journalism which I prefer first, currently I am a freelance journalist for Business Times ltd papers and other local newspapers.

The place where I am living is one kilometer from Summit building center near Shoprite super market the way to Sokon One .In journalism function I am dealing with investigative stories, analysis and legal issues, if you have an interest on knowing day to day what happen in Arusha region please,
 contact me through email or mobile phone no 255753515356.